Thursday, January 10, 2013


 unpublished#101(at the table)

at the table
busy, busy place- voices, dishes, movement-
a simple candle remains
with half filled glasses
red for you…white me
and I watch your lips, as the room
dissolves, words and whispers
pour over my mind. filling my glass
again and again, until I spin a little

and you ask…am I listening…
I say… no, I never listen…
I love…

unpublished #103

Found a melody
in the roll of distant thunders
where cloud and mountain
make a drum of air;
when fire flash intervals
bring deeper moments of night
of heat and soft moist  air.

A soft wind lifts a trace,
a memory of a kiss…and at once
I miss summer and you


 in the sounds
urgent whispers,  we want
give, take...feelings so full
swell like clouds, wet words
fill arid airs between us night song of red dunes,
the deep pools of my  oasis



Unknown said...

Howard, I love all three pieces - they are like three beautiful pendants linked by urgent whispers, soft moist air, wet words and night song... enchanting and making one eager to know the deep pool of your oasis...

howard said...

thank you Dear, short pieces are a challenge...glad you enjoyed...H

Susanne Coalson Donoghue said...

Favorite is number 101, then 103, in that order. "I never listen, I love.! How blessed is that!

howard said...

Thank you Susanne
i imagine many people only think about such relationships while others- like you- live and breathe nice...thank you...H