Wednesday, October 29, 2014

dawn song

The music of dawn sets pen to dance
across a page and into memory; morning glance
and first light is a balm, a spiritual calm
and it sets us on a path for day,
as pillars of sunlight guide the way.

When we reach the edge of twilight.
and make the rituals of coming night,
a harvest of flight and gathered sight,
becomes a day in which we grew
by folding the old into the new.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

signs fall

In the flow of human time
Came a  time without the sun
A dark age, and the rage of ignorance
Fell like the darkness.
Man, left  in the power of his worst,
Fed the life-dimming thirst for hatred.

As their crops fell fallow
And human reach retreated from
The edge of greater understanding,
Like a flower that inhales its scent,
Time went backwards.

And  to now, in an age that thrust
Mankind to a choice of abundance or slaughter
The measure of human greatness in the balance
We can do either…exceedingly live, or
Follow well worn paths to greed and death.

Signs fall from the skies, a feather
Comes into the casual ambit of my eyes
And a meaning extends from the delicate blend
Of circumstance and inner sight, free-fall flight
Of a air light white feather…

Signs fall from the skies, the sun disappears
And will it be for moments or years that we recall
The endless nights, and the fright-filled wait
For the gates of the near heavens to admit

A right we overlook each day, the miracle
That we need to stay on this fragile blue craft
And will we see that it is simplicity of We
That need the sun, the air, the sweet water
And… forgiveness

The sun dimming in December 2012  or in 2014  is a hoax-- but the ideas spread virally around the Internet. This was the inspiration here, a sobering look at the science of this day-- magnificent sun spots and enormous solar flares. Our connection to the Sun is the essential for human life on Earth, and hoaxes can focus on the reality, solar activity is unpredictable and uncertain except that we need it, and we are all in that same situation - we need the warmth of the sun.

Monday, October 20, 2014


raindrops in the sodium streetlights
amber waves of rain, drizzle falls
in such numbers as the sands
or stars among the galaxies, falling
in casts like the souls that have gone before us

Rain drops on a life's journey from cloud to sea
the life of a drop, a cascade from heavy clouds
to wet ground and down ever down, drawn
by the heart of the earth

Such are raindrops
on a journey of predestiny
and yet- the slightest wind can send
a drop like you--unto a drop like me

Thursday, October 16, 2014

pot shards

Drifted through yesterday
and the way I made-up many days past,
and reworked them to suit the new filter
placed over the distillation of time;

I drifted further, into the places
beyond the easy handles of yes and no.
Falling softly into places
where fears and loving make crossed currents
that pull me under.

Then I learn once again
to begin to breathe inside bubbles;
I find courage to renew
the birth-time notion to chew water,

and in this mix of twelve and six-
inverted hours and powerless to stop-
the urges that spring forth.

I stand in greater need of forgiveness
but there is no one here to absolve;
all are implicit and indebted-ly involved,
totally invested in the seamless dream.

When it is all done, and we enter
the lasting silence of sleep, then
life becomes the broken-pot shards;
the undisturbed dust surrounding them
make a picture...for the final cover.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

between you and the world

Speak to me as you speak to the stars
Knowing full the answer, yet you ask

Hear me in the silence that rises
in the spaces between you and the world
noticed like the last dripping spill of rain
the noiseless call that stills all thought.
See me as you see the face of the river
Giving form to unseen wind, holding
The soft shoulders of the moon

Know me as you know the voice of your mind
patient and forgiving of all things
eager for the rush of love

And feel me as you feel a breath
Touching your lips in a slow exchange
Of  warmth…

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

a fading rose

A sense of insolence flashes in her eyes
Beaming as bright as the night of her youth
In the full day of life’s stage, time bends her
inward, towards the latter evening

We see the living ghost of girlish youth,
hosted by slightly resentful matron
housed in present and past beauty,
she is a fading rose between thorny memory
and petal fall.

I am the weathered hand,
fingertips and opened palm still hold
the scent of the flower’s edge

I wonder of the air near her skin
where there is new treasure,
born of moments  that hold us
soft, like a gentle night wind

and leave nothing outward
but a place of eternal spring, within.
where her lost beauty is found
in the heart of my heart...