Monday, September 24, 2012

soaked and splendid

Once in the morning
a kiss on my neck, warm breath
in my ear(--)she pleads for love(--)
and a night that might have been so much more
exceeds my dreams within this dream.

Once in a vision
Mother spoke of things,
I cannot forgive, moments long gone
that cling to the hems of my soul
and in her smile- an absolution-
a prayer that need no longer be.

In bright sun on the beach
the sand has a taste, a color
like my Lover’s skin, a love
I would not know until long after
sun, sand and salt air were forgotten;

such passionate moments for something
I cannot recall, yet they come
whenever I am near love, when
scents in air seem to come
from a distant place, like deep river eyes
and flower-petal curl of lips.

Then a pour of love
leaves me soaked and splendid;
happy as I can be
for a reason I have no need to further resolve…
my suspended self so, so satisfied.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

a timeless watch

here... it is 3:17 am
far from sleep and morning
the window curtain parts to
a brightened star, my eyes trace
familiar patterns --
but where is the moon?

Far from a busy yesterday
pressed near a busier tomorrow
yet i wonder of an ancient orb
whose timeless watch over
short-lived men fascinates
more than it might;
had not a woman made it hers
and my yesterday too.

Now in the middle of sleep-
sleepless, in the midst of a dream
open -eyed, in the midst of a thought
drawn back to wonder...
does she see the morning sky
moonless sky?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

once dreamt...

fallow hours lay like ruins
time was a stage for sleepless eyes
for want of a touch night barely moved
neath salty rain, in night- weary guise

as I shake the air with half uttered words
fits and starts of oaths for tomorrow
and un-lived life like an albatross
so well did  it steal, so easy did it borrow

Love was a wastrel wind
gone from peace its comfort wasted
like sand thru fingers of my hands,
victory on tongue yet was defeat i'd tasted

Moon and magic descended into this man
where belief acquired talons and thirst
an emptiness. where once he dreamt a soul
cold breath of its last, bold  fires of its first.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

a Gaze

I speak to One
in a language inspired of spheres
that crowd my sight of seas of stars

tossed in tides and currents of time,
vast measures of existence.

A pause unto creation,
this unlimited gift
of a limited existence, comes full born


She rises in my thoughts
like Venus in the east, feelings
drawn, the night holds a swarm;
of boundless flame, an unending embrace
Love rides on pathways of light...

Friday, September 7, 2012

a greater light

left its shadow
upon the Moon

its darkness consumed
a part of her, edges
of lips trembled in winds and cloudy sky
(I think it rained above dry ground).

A shade and a piece of her
are gone, an unfinished night
makes a new memory(--)

when the shadow was a dance,
a smile, warmest embrace(--)
as if life itself, held her.

Only Love can bend  a flower from the Sun
turn our faces to a greater light
for this shadow has an inner glow
a lasting warmth,
the embered coal of a most familiar soul.

Love left its shadow
in the heart of the Moon…forever.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Blue Moon in August

She was like the Moon,
 a rare distant beauty,
a magic - never far from my thoughts

and when she remains
an adoration of night lingers thru the day
in a lighter shade she does not pale

so many threads of my life
gather in this scene, when silent beams
connect the seams that wrapped me whole

a woman who touched me
in  an indelible way--and I stay
in a moment -not just to keep a dream-
but to breathe-in the rarest air -- of love