Tuesday, September 20, 2011

a found feather

Above the sand
wind and gull cackles blend
sea spray rainbows, prisms in sunbeam glints
I squint into horizon, where sky blue melts
cloudy bands at the edge of the world.

In a taste of salt, memory of sand upon skin
mind lifts my spirit to hover, cupped wings
tilted to catch the solid seams of moving air-
a weightless metapoise: man into bird, wishes
dissolve bird into wind song.

Upon a current stream, a flow of deep desires
carried to a place near your lips,
to make a soft moist rush of air
touch your smile, just while
a feather falls near your feet
to catch your eye, and find … a memory.

Friday, September 9, 2011


 Even when I might become weary
yield to difficulty  a too steep climb
there is no rest, no pause to consider,
the place behind me...disappears.

Even when I might wish for yesterday
a time without challenge, conquered ground
there is none, only a next step- nothing granted-
in hourglass life every grain of sand
falls into contest, into a great divide
between what might be and what becomes.

Within a heart in search, a vision was found
on the face of a slow flowing stream, the Moon
made a flame upon water...and I keep it
as the glow of a distant face of love;
as I rise.