Sunday, October 28, 2012

Autumn sonnet

we mourn the passing warmth ‘tis all but done;
and grieve as if we didn't already know
the faithful trace of gifts left by the sun
were etched in veins by days of  golden glow.

Inside the lush full covers, leafed and green
by whispers from the  heart of dearest star
a red and yellow season lay unseen
like wind blown rainfall pelting from afar.

In deserts treeless stands the singing sands
bring haunting tones of flowing wind and dunes
where seasons in apposition expand
beneath the face of ever changing moon

as passing warmth, does slowly ebb away
the beautied bones of summer glide and sway

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


A broken spirit found a time
that healed important things
when Angels made their handiwork
upon vestments of disbelief.

Those who shivered felt warmth
those in emptiness, learned new hope
and the satisfied learned the beauty
of want and need:  how life
is a race to stay close upon the heels of time.

A broken spirit healed without prayer
or admission, for there is no cause
or defense for Love(--) it is the first atom(--)
it is the best and last of us.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

a circle in wait

A star is born; a star dies.
Bathed in throes of birth and death
a cold heaven neither shivers nor shakes,
but simply gleams bursts of life.
Whether first or last,
into a circle in wait-
bounds yet to be reached.

Beginning to end, fire and flame
frightful waves of power
and all that can be exists within such moments(--)
powers of creation(--) wherein will is an absent vapor,
love without the pale;
yet when such a creature-a  love burdened life- beholds
then the cycle winds itself  anew.
For it is then that love infects the stream
and a dream begins to live.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

edge of a flower

She has wandered far from faith
far from a  day when her world
folded within  a sweet Holy song;
followed  heels of an old priest
the old church, the whole family
layered like the ages of Earth

far from belief

where now we seem to be fools in folly
when death takes love and
time leaves us empty.

Time is a perfecting tide
come to erase random prints on shore
a choice remains -within us,
in the strength given our arms-
do we rise…or drown

She has wandered far from me
and I grieve, as in those takings,  
a wall like finality, separations
that bar another word, another
kiss; and recall when she sang
that little song of great faith for me.
Sweetness of a child in the apse,
an inheritance of hope…

wandered far….Now I must
have faith for two, reflect hopes of many. The love
that comes after tears, after the leavings, after
echoes of  door close

 She has wandered far,
while I hold a faith in happiness-
like the edge of a flower - and wait.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Harvest Moon

was it hope or fear..
love or the lack of love,
I do not know how
an indifferent night
was persuaded share
it's precious gem
like a cradled egg--
a birth of dreams


Monday, October 8, 2012

night song

black keys tell the story,
white keys simply agree;
and night rises like a cloud from the sea
covering stars and distant mysteries
giving me no choice I listen to a voice
a woman, a song of the night.

In the timbre of her poetry
the black keys speak again
the road was hard rest uneasy
my pen begins to move, as does she
once more rises and falls gently
making love to my senses, I easily
submit to her will, for it is mine too.

To wallow with her, roll in heat we make
and white keys lead us on until
it is I, a woman in my eyes,
and a night that would
suspend sunrise.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

vision in autumn tree

sightless, as walls of mists 
birthed a fit of flaps and slaps
then soft tones like wind in carved spaces
filled this gaunt and gray-bare tree
emitted from its cloak of cold and fog
softened dry throat songs from ravens
who defied lingered dark at dawn
a reach for warm day, release
from the long hunger of night.
Flightless stands have endured ravenous needs
and song sound floats
like these billows of low flung cloud.
In the interstices my spirit adds
a tympani, thrums of harp strings
a thoughtful four-part harmonic hum
all the while a transformation
in sudden glints of sun(--)
fluffed wet wings and readied
for the inspired moment to rise(--)
perhaps will be a breeze from the east
where far above sweet Venus still rises
to whet the will of ancient auguries.
Their black sleek shine, gleams in seeming holy light
this burly choir of crows to now
become a quiet stillness, buds of sunflame
limb upon bare and shaking limb-
a murder of angels.