Sunday, November 22, 2015

street corner cool

waiting in the cold wet snow
for a city bus that never shows
the biting cold cuts straight through
the big ideas and things you'd do

It grinds you down to a single thought
about the old car you should have bought
standing in the slushy snow and ice
wouldn't that warm car air feel nice
and the women who go rushing by
would slow down and smile, maybe say 'hi"
Then cold wet snow would help you find
the sweetest lips and roundest behinds
that the City can offer, and lookig down
the snowy boulevard, is that the bus comin'?
or just the way the trucks keep runnin'

Regrets bite like the flying snow and icy sleet
lo and behold, orange lights comin up the street
I bind my collar, and flinch into a sudden  huddle
as the bus soaks my pants when it raises the puddle!

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