Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Touching Mangos

In the Mango Trees, untouchable fruits languish
In the full Sun branches bear out of its seasons
Thick limbs bow, fall low, touching among those gathered
Shed hungry tears, that endless seek the restless ground

Would the fog descend and show the veils that hide
The untrue heart, the wanton spirit that assumes
The power to destroy that which it could never create
Life is the richest pearl, and here devoured by lowest beasts.

It chokes air from the lips, and the power of grief
Stays within, coiled like a deadly viper sting
In this land of ancient love, consumed by petty thoughts
That yet control so much, and castes like the worm’s way
Weaken the bond of human to human…

In the Mango trees, undisturbed by the sun and wind
Unblinking eyes regard the stillness of the living world
To behold the essence of breath…the bearer of an unchanged past
and a bitter seed that we must all taste, as we are
to deeply know the sweetness of  tomorrow;
In the Mango Trees, untouchable fruits languish.

Author’s Note
In India and Pakistan, rape of young women has reached alarming and epidemic proportions. These attacks often committed by groups of men have caused deaths and emotional suffering among victims and families, and an erosion of vital human rights of women in both countries. In one recent attack, two young women were found hanged  in a Mango tree. In the caste system they were regarded as untouchables.  It is the hope of this writing that awareness and opposition to these conditions will spread and cause change. The women of these nations have raised voice and outrage and the rest of the world should follow and add its weight, for as long as justice and dignity are denied to these women, it is denied to all.

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