Saturday, March 2, 2013


You inspire
with slow movement of lips
a butterfly flight I see in your eyes;
in the way you look at me
to see far more than I imagine...Inspire
with fires in your urgent whispers
with loving that thrills my skin
Yes, You in ways
I can sometimes only feel in a place within the fold of Heavens in a setting sun
or the roll of stars to the glow of the Moon
Feel You, 
flowing into my breathing


Unknown said...

this poem has such a moving romantic touch:
'the fold of Heavens in a setting sun
or the roll of stars to the glow of the Moon'
Love it, beautiful!

howard said...

It surprises me still how a poem can capture a feeling send it out into the world like ripples from a pebble tossed into a pond...thank you!...H