Friday, February 22, 2013

to know

There it is, an inner galaxy
a swirl of great and trite words
spins about a core, a black hole of meaning;
and even the light of reason cannot
escape the gravity of complication.
It is these frictions that illuminate-
the proof of struggle-
the glow that pursues itself
a chased dog tail is eternity

When I speak of Love
a power that binds unlike elements
connected into a molecule 

until it endures despite momentary forces
or explodes in a release of energy.

All to allow the possibility (--) this itinerant urgency (--)
to come together again, outwardly appear
as just another particle in time
but within  there is an unique quality
in each of the countless existences

to know as much or little
as we wish …yet realize this:
we keep these moments,
we feel them-
in the undeniable root of us-within us,

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