Friday, September 7, 2012

a greater light

left its shadow
upon the Moon

its darkness consumed
a part of her, edges
of lips trembled in winds and cloudy sky
(I think it rained above dry ground).

A shade and a piece of her
are gone, an unfinished night
makes a new memory(--)

when the shadow was a dance,
a smile, warmest embrace(--)
as if life itself, held her.

Only Love can bend  a flower from the Sun
turn our faces to a greater light
for this shadow has an inner glow
a lasting warmth,
the embered coal of a most familiar soul.

Love left its shadow
in the heart of the Moon…forever.


Mari Góes said...

Just today was mentioning with my sis about the moon missing one piece, and this poem made think of it, but in such a nicer way!

howard said...

ahh Mari~
there were many coincidences, many people feeling so much the same-- your Mom made me feel welcome and wonderful, i will always be grateful for that, even in a glimpse-- she was a beautiful this is for you and Mom...h