Wednesday, July 11, 2012

in truth...

rising above the noisy day
to fill the sentence an other spoke
a question of the heart, that hung heavy
for a time; bringing the missing pieces
of a mosaic of tree limbs, sun and cloud

Underlined as passive evening fall
to darkness, willing accomplice
to moon and a little romance
when roosted silence merges into
song to welcome a cavalcade of night

bright planets gleam steal the stage
from dimmer  stars, a piecemeal moon
recreates silver in wispy wands
the ache of memories comes once again

to remind me of things to be done
and of paths I'd left--was dragged from--
still reside on the empty streets of my dreams
where there seems no one else in the world
nothing more important than your next word
nothing more meaningful than
air of passions wrapped around us,  binding us
into a moment, a touch, a truth of Love.


Susanne Donoghue said...

This is almost a song--so lovely, lovely as its subject is. Hard to do with something as written about as night and love, but you did it! Bravo!

howard said...

thank you Susanne i sometimes wonder if one can paint a scene with words-- bring it to a reader...all the best...PK