Saturday, July 21, 2012

good bye....

there are frail limbs, skin that seems
stretched thin; palsied grips on nearly
weightless things.  Eyes sometimes far away

voice that seems closer
to that I remember than what is seen;
when i look at the bent form, age--
a portrait of age.

Yet with this one moment
we connect to many more, when she was strong
and needed to hold my head;

and the tears i shed now
are here for the living, waters
that my life and hers  have made

There is love in shadows on the floor
in the stains upon her teacup
fulfillment in soft smiles that come to her lips
reasons - not known nor needed

now, there is only time and breath
i count like a clock of ethers
my time and hers into a blend

sadness in this joy, joy in my touch
knowing so much i cannot speak
feeling more than i will ever say
of these moments-- this overwhelming
poetry ... of love, and goodbye.

for my friend  Mercedes...


J.D. said...

Very nicely done, Howard. Seems a lot of people are spending a lot of time thinking about "might have beens" and "never were's" lately.

We know life is not fair and in the words of Hank Williams, "you'll never get out of this world alive." Still it would nice if we could get out before we completely fall to pieces.

J.D. said...

Very nicely done, Howard. Seems a lot of people are spending a lot of time thinking about "might have beens" and "never were's" lately.

We know life is not fair and in the words of Hank Williams, "you'll never get out of this world alive." Still it would nice if we could get out before we completely fall to pieces.

howard said...

yes we won't get out alive, and the end may seem more than distant from the beginning; yet Life also teaches us-- there is such sweetness
in the fruit that clings to the vine.
I remember how precious some already dear people became--in the late, late summer of life.
Thank you My Friend