Sunday, January 29, 2012

uma manhã escura

uma manhã escura

após o sono
antes do café
antes, de me apresentar ao nascer do sol
há uma manhã escura
um momento em que herdo as estrelas
quando eu me deixo fazer nada
exceto te amar, é
um tempo em que brilho de dentro ...
quando sou tranquilo relâmpagos
sobe à minha pele, assim de repente, ciente
o Amor é o fogo no qual nos queimamos.
Amar..amar, solenemente queimar…

dark morning

after sleep
before coffee
before I submit to sunrise
there is dark morning
a time I inherit the stars
when I let myself do nothing
except to love you; it is
a time when I glow from within…
when I am quiet lightning
it rises to my skin, so suddenly aware
Love is the fire in which we all burn
To love, to solemnly burn

Note: for the Portuguese version i am deeply indebted to the assistance of Mariza Godinho Góes
Muito obrigado Mariza .

listen here


Chez Harvey said...

I am astounded at how soft this sounds, I am sure the Portuguese would sound even softer, but the English is Neruda like in its portrayal of love. I am glad I came back to read it fully.

howard said...

it is true, Portuguese can read like a song, melodic and inviting. I enjoy reading in Portuguese, i am trying to learn...not easy for me. All the best...Howard