Thursday, July 7, 2011


I found a slow kiss
in a verse she left, an idle thought
in a distant moment, another
in a word used to imitate my laugh
I found one the day before
in a kind moment when I whined
about this or that, some busy day spat
when she listened, in her beauty
like the ever glowing face of the moon
in her grace, as if a gift to my life
and she glows in my thoughts each day
which is the slow kiss, I truly remember
the one…in a universe of miracles,
only found in her eyes


Pamela A. Lamppa said...

How beautiful. A slow kiss in a verse she left...
Always, your words are brilliant and inviting. ~Pamela
So happy to have found your blog.
Pamela A. Lamppa

howard said...

wonderful to find you here... yes, sometimes a poem can capture a most beautiful feeling...Thank you!! H