Thursday, June 23, 2011

in equipoise...

If I were not afraid to fall into a dream
love would last as long as time
and past the edge over which
everything must fall;
when there is great accounting or simply
the end of all that ever was,
I want love that I've created
made with my life and will to endure;
to linger still like light
above horizon, an eternal midsummer night.

When a bridge between day and night
is never crossed, held in equipoise;
when sunset fills my lover's hair
and my eyes make worship upon her skin.

When she holds my face
like found treasure might not be real...
and she asks again and again
with fingertips and her soft, soft lips.

If not afraid
to wake so sadly and sudden,
I would fall into a dream.


Unknown said...

This poem is so lovely and has a music of its own, equipoise that is preserved within the poem itself,as it has a transparent structure, framed with
If I were not afraid to fall into a dream....

at the beginning and

If not afraid
to wake so sadly and sudden,
I would fall into a dream -

the end that brings a glimmer of hope...

I love the images and metaphors you dispersed along the way in this gem:

When a bridge between day and night
is never crossed, held in equipoise

my eyes make worship upon her skin

Mesmerizing in its beauty, leaving a clear trace in my soul, thank you...

howard said...

Love makes poets of us all, makes us reach inside words for the one meaning that fits the enormity of our feelings. You see with the eyes of a lover...such a wonderful way to see things...H