Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Man stirred the heart of the seas
and in air his poison tendrils, time agreed
with savants and sages, descendants of ages
of daunting prophesies

The blessing of foresight once again
a curse when truths curl like bitter smoke; in air
we can see but cannot form the will to care
more than the awful gleaners, takers who do not share
their gold and hold on words filling the air
waves of heat rise, and a solemn drumbeat

Lightning flashes over forests turned to ashes
as vast lands lie charred into future birth
and present tears as years of enduring beauty fade
into black smoke and doubtful air, it curls
and clouds seen from oceans away
in dimmer days and gaudy sunsets, beget heat
a world smolders around the tender napes
of the intelligent apes, and they know
more than they show, know that truth too

lingers like heat on a day shimmered memories
foretold, how storms gather fire, and fires
send unreasoning flight of danger. No, we can
laugh now but it hurts, we can shrug
but it bothers the pricked memory
of so recent a yesterday, when the edge of the sea
held a calm memory, and rising waters
were an occasion for curious wonder
and not the salt and acid evidence
of  greed and plunder. It is time to ponder,
as shrill winds and bitter waters gather;
so many remedies we have squandered...

Some will count coins, some will hold
her trembled hand, and they will be seen
by the clear eyes that will grieve
the fate of  a murdered world.

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