Monday, June 8, 2015

odd bed fellows

As the science of this rich-poor day
finds ways to take infections away
and so much of the world's misery
slow fades to page in recent herstory

we pause to consider gravity and cause

living longer, despite wealth or  poverty
is a current trend, and gross anomaly
hardly odd, the pursuit of human glory
informs that excess is the common story

roots of wealth and want yield poison fruits

for  we grow large in hunger and excess
persistent needy and the wasteful  reckless
and bodies show what words cannot hide
as withers and gluttony stand side by side

our longer spans must have a sharing plan

a flame as the old smolders find new bellows
and  yields feast and famine, odd bed fellows

Globally diabetes increases rapidly as development creates change, people become more affluent . Yet, poverty and malnutrition persist. We have the oddity of greater obesity and starvation. Diseases of malnutrition and food excess side by side, and growing.

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