Thursday, April 2, 2015

a pause in the dream

There was a prelude in the dream
Seeming  rise of curtain as day fell to night
eyes gained deeper sight than the world without
and words came like scattered crows
cawing through low mists and fog, as
searching hearts seek to roost
in folds of warmth

thoughts sparkle like stars then fade, fall
like meteor flash remembered for a brightened dash
as sky heals its burns, gone to night from night
and the dream turns to strange and undefined ways
to days I would overturn
bound by time, the slow chains that drag
the same bright wings that soar
there was a pause in the dream, and
the world made woman, and from woman
it distilled a splendid dose of forever
and at the end of the dream
I steeped in those deep rivers
Flowed in love, a woman’s eyes

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