Sunday, August 24, 2014

around its gravity...

Seen into the unseen, and shaped in tones
that do not fade, life is a mere shade
of the light of a greater sun.

Once begun, it is a gift from an indelible giver'
and though we must only know in faith,
the signs take us straight
on an ever-winding path.

Within each, the light of an inner star
birthed into the cold, temporary touching
a passing world, we learn much
but acquire little that can be kept.

So much as we disagree, time slips
elagantly without excuse, we lose
as we gain...yet we Love.
We hold in orbits around its gravity
a mass that pulls the willing, it is
Love that makes a purpose of life

We love the children, the joy we know,
unfolding seeds of the great tree of humanity
they all belong to all of us
and so they are precious... and so
they are Michael

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