Sunday, November 18, 2012


Born of fire
of eruptive violence
a voiceless  roar still marked
in the tympani of vibrating strings
tides of time and rippled space

We, poured from ancient cauldrons
into droplets, spread like rains across a desert
blown into wind flown swirls, into time
like clouds that adorn mountains
fill cascades and streams

Into life like so many other ways of life
tiny emulative universes, scaled microcosms
of a greater stage of nature; yet we too
create, imagine and search for things
that speak to us of us, as if to look into
worlds within us was not sufficient proof.

We search and reason compounds reason
until in a cycle like a completion, we understand:
we are born of fires and so we must simply burn.

The birth and death of stars reminds us of some important things: the connection of humanity to a deep history of the Universe.  Every part of us and nearly everything we know has come from the cycle of stars- the atoms and elements that make our bodies were created in the immense heat and incredibly long lives of stars- carbon, calcium, iron all of the constituent parts of us, blown into space in the eruptions that end stars. We are connected in this way to the very beginnings of the vast structures we call Universe.  Connected at the undeniable level of the things all human have in common- the waters of our blood, the structure of our bodies, the electric energies that course through us--and of course the burning curiousity that drives us to wonder at everything we sense.  It is a wonder that we can create the idea of differences and strata among us, we who have a true common ancestry among a race of giant fires that endured  for eons and gave seeds of life to time and possiblity; and we who spend so much of our short spans in wonder of our creator, can marvel in the darkness of the things which have made us and everything around us, and ponder the powers of such great creation as an endless sea...of stars....hdm

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