Tuesday, April 24, 2012

near the valley of bones (part 3)

flushed into light,
as if falling-up;  into air
from warm amber into burning bright:
wind chill skin, then slow burn.

The keepers at the gates
see he is a male- already plans exist
return to the wild- they give him a name,
"Rooibos" even as his reddish skin darkens.

Mother  and daughter stand in sands between
stumbled trots and comic falls- zoo drama;
cameras take in all, children squeal
delight(--) and she is back in the forest,
near the valley, mate's great flanks,
the gentle tusking and touches, listening
to soft rattles of sun dried bones(--)
and she remembers something
that her young one too will someday know

the soft smells of long lost love
resting within the white logs
in the valley; and the
sweet scent of frightened lions

Part 1

part 2

1 comment:

howard said...

Part 1

Part 2