Tuesday, August 31, 2010

este não é o dia

One day i will say
"today, I do not love you--"
i will let the magic fade,
drift and pull away

like the beautiful old world ceiling I saw
in drift to sleep-- last view of night
sweetness in a tender bed, among
closed eye visions and echoes,
você estava em meus braços

your carefree touch still tingled in thoughts
my skin alive with memory and anticipation
how the present stood still
at the edge of your lips.

você era a flor da lua,
a minha felicidade na ponta da pétala da

One day i will forget the pain of the man
whose fingers reeked of wet plaster
who carved dreams yet to be
because it was his dream;
and i will forget my dreams--

um sonho que era precioso, tenro
como o ar quente de verão na minha pele--

those that held gentle spring rains,
your hand in mine in chilled air, me,
adoring stars because they filled your eyes,
warmed in your smiles that marked moments,
etched them upon walls of my heart.

My dreams were deep wells, boundless
and flames of stars would dim
when i stood in your night shadow,
when summer honey flowers envied
the taste of your skin.

One day i will say, " I do not love you"
this, is not that day...este não é o dia

(c) all rights reserved

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