Tuesday, July 12, 2016

By the few…

Something unseen by the many, yet
always seen and deeply felt by the few,
has suddenly become all that everyone can see-
the killings of Black men by police violence in America.

It flashes like fire around the shrinking globe
like lightning unto an epiphany, so many can suddenly…see.
For the few it has meant a blood-boiling fury
that melts the rock of resistance , and thunders in the heart.
It inspires rebellions of thought that spew
Through the hard crust of the world; a fire
That mere reason cannot contain, for existence
Is the imperative of life, and in this brutality
the already flimsy filament of life
is a flickered candle in a ceaseless wind.

It is, after all, the lives of our children hung
In this balance; the cruel harvests on hard Ferguson streets
Or a tranquil park in Cleveland flowed
In unforgettable red in Baton Rouge…the red that leaves
Fire in the eyes and a cramp in the voice.

Now, suddenly, everyone can see,
Through eyes that swell to verge,
For It hurt no less in Dallas; it is life-
in all of its precious forms and fragility-
And it is a terrible thing to waste.

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